Volunteer Achievement Certificates

Scottish Canals Volunteer Achievement Certificates (VAC's) will be presented to those volunteers who have completed a certain number of hours / days participating in the maintenance and running of the Scottish Canal network.    Many (but not all) of these volunteering opportunities are listed under the "Get Involved" tab on the main menu.   Your volunteering hours do not all need to come from the same opportunity.

Certificates will be presented to volunteers who submit records of the volunteer hours completed.   Submitted records must be endorsed by their supervising leader, or someone in authority from the organisation they are volunteering with.

We regret that we cannot accept submitted records from individuals working on their own initiative, and therefore not connected to  Scottish Canals, or one of the canal organisations.

Record Work Sheets are available from your organisations, or you can download blank worksheets here.


Volunteer Achievement Certificates (VACs) will be presented to individuals who have carried out canal based tasks on a voluntary basis over a period of time.  The VAC’s will be awarded for recorded and verified hours of activity towards the improvement, maintenance or operation on Scotland’s canals.  There will be 3 levels of VAC –

  • Bronze VAC for 50 hours volunteering
  • Silver VAC for 100 hours volunteering
  • Gold VAC for 200 hours volunteering


To be eligible for VAC's individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate must be an un-paid volunteer
  • The volunteer must operate on Scotland’s canals
  • Candidates can be part of a voluntary group or organisation, who has made a regular contribution to improving, maintaining and/or the operation of Scotland’s canal network.
  • Requests for VAC's can come from individuals or support organisations
  • Requests must be on a recognised time sheet or work record including name of volunteer and the organisation if appropriate, date of activity, length of time spent, type of activity on each occasion and verifying signature.
  • Recorded hours must be countersigned by a supervising colleague or support body
  • Volunteers must demonstrate how their work encourages and delivers permanent benefit to the operation and appeal of the canals

Guidance Notes:

  • All time sheets or work records must be submitted to Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 using the on-line submission form below, or by email submission attaching signed off time sheet
  • Closing date for submissions must be submitted 14 days before date of Awards Ceremony which will be announced annually on our website
  • VCA's will be awarded annually
  • Self-submissions are permitted but time sheets / work records must be verified and endorsed by a colleague or supervising body (not a member of the volunteers immediate family)
  • Candidates must provide contact information, including email address and telephone number
  • Direct employees of Scottish Canals are not eligible for VAC's.  Volunteers engaged in the Scottish Canal Volunteer Programme are however entitled to submit their work records / time sheets.
  • Candidates will be required to support a media release and photo opportunity should this be required
  • The Judging Panel’s decision is final


Use the following button to submit your time sheet / work record.

After you have completed your submission, you will receive a confirmation email.   If you do not see this in your inbox, please check your trash bin or spam folder.    If it is not there, please contact info@scv-awards.co.uk and we will ensure your very important submission has been received.