Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Best Social / Community Engagement Project. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Best Social / Community Engagement Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please give a fuller description of the project (100 - 500 words) demonstrating your reasons for nominating the project for the Best Social / Community Engagement Project. You may also include up to 3 images or other documents to help explain your reasons.

You may wish to note any testimonial comments from the community benefiting from this project. Please include the name of the person giving the testimonial, and the date of their comment.  If preferred, you can note your testimonials on a separate document and upload it as one of your 3 permitted file uploads.

Use the following upload sections to include up to 3 images or documents to support your nomination.