•  02/07/2020 09:45 AM

The effect of the Coronavirus Lockdown has been drastic throughout the country. But as lockdown restrictions are gradually relaxed, it is becoming evident that some organisations who up to know have been “muddling through”, are only now coming to the realization of the full impact.

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  •  23/06/2020 01:38 PM

A new fund has just been launched by “Scottish Waterways for All” to help the many charities based on the Scottish Canal network, who’s activities have been seriously curtailed during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

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  •  31/08/2017 12:00 AM

Nominations for this year’s Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards have just been opened and judges are inviting entries for a huge variety of categories demonstrating the value of work done by the many volunteers who work to keep Scotland’s Canal Network as a vibrant and attractive facility for the general public to enjoy. New to this year’s awards programme is the “Un-sung Hero” category where the judging panel is looking for an individual, group or organisation who work away behind the scenes to maintain a section of the canal or Tow Path, or run a facility, operation or private venture for the benefit of those using the canal and its surroundings. Ronnie Rusack, Chairman of the judging panel, says …

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