Re-Union Volunteers at their best

Re-Union Volunteers at their best

Our Falkirk volunteers worked every single day in August to keep the boats moving along the Forth and Clyde Canal, and somehow even managed to find time to do some tidying up and painting!

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History of The Seagull Trust 1978-2015

History of The Seagull Trust 1978-2015

Based on the archives of Ronnie Rusack MBE, landlord of the Bridge Inn Ratho 1972-2005, founding member, honorary life member and former Chairman of the Trust (2005-2013).

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All Aboard the Union Canal

All Aboard the Union Canal

People Know How and Polwarth Parish Church are bringing their project All Aboard to life. Together they will run a boat from the Polwarth Pontoon on the Union Canal, promoting learning and positive engagement with the community within this unique environment.

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Lambhill Stables working in partnership with others to provide food parcels

Lambhill Stables working in partnership with others to provide food parcels

During the coronavirus pandemic, Lambhill Stables in Glasgow have been putting their skills and operation to good use by providing and distributing food parcels to those that have needed a bit of extra support. Here is how they have done it ...

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Free Wheel North

Free Wheel North

Free Wheel North is a disability cycling charity which aims to help and encourage people of all ages and abilities to get cycling. We help people feel comfortable and confident on their bikes so they can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of cycling. This short video explains all about what we do at Free Wheel North

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Bridges 19-40 on the Union Canal

Bridges 19-40 on the Union Canal

A promotional photographic project to raise awareness of the bridges and associated heritage along the stretch of the Union Canal navigated by The Bridge 19-40 Union Canal Society

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Getting it Sorted on the Union Canal

Getting it Sorted on the Union Canal

The Sorted Project charity, established in 2008, has a successful record helping people in Edinburgh & Lothian who are recovering from substance dependency and associated mental health problems. Sorted offers a unique outreach service which is delivered within our communities across Edinburgh and Lothian.

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LUCS volunteers run cruises to the Falkirk Wheel

LUCS volunteers run cruises to the Falkirk Wheel

Cruises from Linlithgow to the Falkirk wheel are a regular feature by Linlithgow Union Canal Society (LUCS) ~ one of the longest established Societies on the Union Canal, and one run entirely by volunteers. The cruise time from Manse Road Basin in Linlithgow to the wheel is just over 4 hours, so volunteer crews for the eight or nine hour day are split into two shifts, with each team responsible for either the outward or return cruise.

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Canal volunteers doing an amazing job

Canal volunteers doing an amazing job

This happy band of volunteers were recently doing an amazing job of vegetation removal at the Luggie Aqueduct near Kirkintilloch

Case Studies Wanted

Case Studies Wanted

Do you have a story to tell, or a case study of some amazing success story of volunteering on our canals. If so, we would love to hear from you, and share the story on the web site.

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A Community Case Study

A Community Case Study

We are looking for case studies of amazing work carried out by our volunteers, working in conjunction with the local community, or other community / social enterprise organisations. Do you have a story to tell ?

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