Why Volunteer ? imageWhy Volunteer ? imageWhy Volunteer ? image

Many ask "Why should I volunteer" but the truth is there are so many different reasons and circumstances depending on your own personal circumstances. Many folk volunteer simply to enhance their hobbies ~ many to satisfy a passion. Others want to support favourite charities or local community organisations.

Today we have a vibrant canal system providing a very wide range of benefits to the communities they pass through, much of this would not have been possible without the efforts of hundreds of volunteers over the past 40 plus years. To continue this success volunteers are always needed so if you are looking for something to get involved with we invite you to consider volunteering.

Meet new friends, learn new skills or teach others the skills you have, get out in the open air and some exercise all help to benefit your health. Gain self pride in knowing what you are doing is benefiting so many others whether local communities or tourists bringing income to the area. Be able to commit as and when you have the time ~ there is no pressure to attend on specific days or times ~ whatever suits you.

On this web site you will find information on where and how you can volunteer, also many of the projects or events in which you can get involved. There are a myriad of different areas from maintaining the navigability of the waterways, service provision for visitors, boat handling skills, qualifying to skipper/crew boat trips, maintenance of buildings and facility's.

So if you fancy something a bit different, like mixing with others and enjoy the camaraderie please consider joining in. You will be made most welcome.