Coronavirus Update image

Due to the current exceptional circumstances in which we are living, much of the volunteering work on the canal network is understandably "on pause". But without doubt, this is a temporary measure and the volunteers who give up much of their time will be back again demonstrating their enthusiasm to maintaining and operating Scotland's canal network. We must not however forget that prior to the current situation, much work was progressing at a pace on the canals and towpaths.

It is also very evident that even during these exceptional circumstances, many volunteers will be assisting vulnerable people, those perhaps living and self isolating in their boats, perhaps delivering essential supplies to those that need them. We are sure there will be many stories to tell.

And when "life returns to normal", as it will, our volunteers will again be out and about doing their bit attending to our all important Scottish waterways.

So even in these strange times, there will be lots of opportunities to nominate people and organisations who have been doing their bit to keep the "ship afloat", and we are sure the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards will be the ideal platform to recognise those special people who have been working away behind the scenes, before, during and after the Coronavirus out break.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Stuart Rennie
Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards