Lambhill Stables

Lambhill Stables is a vibrant community facility with a two-hundred year old 'B' listed building, extensive gardens and access to the canal which provide a range of opportunities for everyone to experience and enjoy. Lambhill lies on the northern edge of Glasgow. Until its incorporation within the city boundaries in 1926, it was a tiny village with a big history. 

From farms to foundries, from mines to meteorites, all the way back to the Romans, Lambhill is a place full of stories. The Stables' canal side location and proximity to Possil Marsh nature reserve makes it an ideal destination if you're looking for an easy escape route from the city into the country. The “Great Canal” from Forth to Clyde opened in 1790 to water traffic pulled by horses, changed every 6 miles or so at staging posts including Lambhill Stables. 

With the coming of the railways, horse traffic virtually disappeared and the stables had to find a new role including a spell as a garage and a private home. After lying derelict for many years, the building was taken into community ownership in 2007 and rebuilt in 2011. Lambhill Stables is now home to a social enterprise and community charity which aims to provide recreational and occupational training and employment opportunities. 

It's now a thriving meeting place with a café, gardens, and allotments. There are regular meetings of our healthy walking group, history group, women's group, singing group, youth groups, knitting group and pensioners' lunch clubs while volunteers are welcome in our one-acre garden, kitchen, heritage projects and bicycle maintenance workshop. 

Throughout the building there are striking paintings produced at the art classes while the heritage group displays a range of photographs and artifacts illustrating the area's history. Lambhill Stables is also an ideal place for schools to visit, providing an interactive, enjoyable way for children to learn about both the natural and cultural heritage of the area and gain a better understanding of environmental issues. 

During the Covid-19 crisis, we are currently diverting our resources with the support of our current funders to provide food packs to the most vulnerable people in our surrounding communities: Lambhill, Cadder and Milton amongst others. We are also providing craft packs to all our young people involved in our on-line Youth Clubs as well as running our Bike Hub. 

With the wealth of knowledge of our surrounding communities and collaboration from other local organisations, we are providing essential additional support to all our vulnerable families in the area.

Please help us by supporting us through The Big Splash