People Know How / Polwarth Kirk on the Canal

Please support People Know How & Polwarth Kirk on the Canal

What do we do? 

Our main services are: •    Positive Transitions Service , projects supporting children, young people and families •    Reconnect, supporting adults to increase health and wellbeing •    Research Briefings, researching social issues to build a database of briefings •    Connect Four, a social innovation network fostering collaboration We have formed these projects and services through our Social Innovation Model. 

How do we do it? 

We have developed a Social Innovation Model that is simple and cyclical – we ask, research, do, share, and repeat. 

Ask: We begin every project by asking people to share their ideas, needs, strengths and assets. We believe that people know how to identify their needs and the solutions that will help them fulfill their potential and solve social issues. 

Research: We review literature and best practice guidance to inform people’s ideas and ensure there is an evidence base before proceeding with a project. 

Do: We run projects and deliver activities, putting ideas into practice. We have developed a framework of monitoring and evaluation tools which are built into our activities so that we are constantly gathering data to assess our progress and performance. 

Share: We share the approaches and impact of our work to recognise and celebrate the positive outcomes, whilst identifying where improvements can be made. We then ask people for feedback on what we have shared, thus creating a cycle which drives continuous improvement. 

All Aboard - Navigating Life Together

People Know How & Polwarth Church are working together to promote wellbeing, personal development and civic responsibility to the young people of the canal-side communities

 Their new project All Aboard - Navigating Life Together will launch in 2021