Pinkston Watersports

You can donate to Pinkston Watersports direct from this page.

Pinkston offers a range of activities for paddlers of all abilities.  Sports that people can participate in range from canoe and kayak to swimming and whitewater rafting.  We also operate as a rescue service training venue with professionals from blue light services participating in swift water and rescue from vehicles in water training. 

A charity and social enterprise any surplus from activities are channeled back into the venue and into activities for local young people.


We have been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis.  The impact on sports and leisure facilities, combined with restrictions imposed on the training that rescue services can participate in has had a big impact on our bookings. 

We are in the process of tentatively opening where we  can and are delighted to be able to offer the opportunity where we can.  However we are facing additional costs and a very different operating model that will impact not only now but on future earning potential. 

Please support us now ~ your donation will really be appreciated by many.