Ronnie Rusack

Ronnie Rusack is a successful entrepreneur in the hospitality trade, he was not slow to see the potential for a trip boat, offering fine dining in conjunction with his pub business – The Bridge Inn – based beside the canal at Ratho.

Many people would have left it at that, content to exploit the potential of the waterway in growing the business. But not Ronnie. Over several decades he has consistently left no stone un-turned in finding ways of putting something back into the Lowland Canals. Going way beyond the call of duty, he has ‘volunteered’ within the broadest sense of the word and given an immense amount back to the ongoing development of the navigations ensuring first their restoration and, more recently, their continued survival. This input does not stop at chairing meetings or bringing his considerable influence to bear on people in high places, but embraces the nitty gritty of canal maintenance out on the work boat Lochrin, keeping the off-side vegetation at bay. Without Ronnie’s tireless efforts we boaters would not have a fraction of what we see and enjoy today.