Pat Bowie

Pat Bowie has been a central figure in Re-Union Canal Boats for well over 10 years. This dynamic social enterprise operates around Edinburgh on the Union Canal and at Falkirk on the Forth & Clyde Canal.

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Ronnie Rusack

Ronnie Rusack is a successful entrepreneur in the hospitality trade, he was not slow to see the potential for a trip boat, offering fine dining in conjunction with his pub business – The Bridge Inn – based beside the canal at Ratho.

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Stewart Liddle

Stewart Liddle is recognisable by his trademark red overalls and Breton Cap, Stewart is often found at the oily end of operations keeping the fleet of LUCS vessels fully functional.

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Robert Welsh

Robert Welsh brings the strong arm of the law to bear on all matters canal-related, especially those that concern the Forth & Clyde Canal Society. As a career policeman up until retirement, he can always be relied upon to see the bigger picture and address the wide range of volunteer activities in which he is involved with his customary astuteness.

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