Best Social / Community Engagement Project

After you have completed your nomination, you will receive a confirmation email.   If you do not see this in your inbox, please check your trash bin or spam folder.    If it is not there, please contact and we will ensure your very important nomination has been received.

Scottish Canals Best Social / Community Engagement Project Award 2020 has been created to recognise excellent collaboration between canal volunteering organisations and a community or local initiative, promoting any or all of the varied benefits of Scotland’s canal network.

The best social or community engagement project will be nominated by the general public, community participants, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network.   Members of the public are encouraged to add their vote to nominated organisations.

Note that nominated Social / Community Engagement Projects may be used as case study's on the Awards Web Site.   Inclusion as a case study does not imply any merit over any other submitted nomination, and such inclusion will not form part of the judges considerations.


To be eligible for selection as the Best Social/Community Engagement Project Award, the nominated project must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • The project must take place in Scotland
  • The project must be creative and engage with the local community and volunteers to offer opportunities to maintain, promote or work on Scotland’s canals
  • The project will have made an outstanding contribution to Scotland’s canal network and the local community.
  • Nominators must demonstrate how their nominated project has encouraged and facilitated a tangible and immediate improvement in the canal network
  • Nominators must demonstrate that their nominated project works to encourage and deliver permanent benefit to the operation and appeal of the canals
  • Nominators must demonstrate their nominated project shows commitment to developing volunteering and social engagement on Scotland’s canals

Guidance Notes:

  • All nominations must be submitted to Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards using the on-line nomination form or by email submission in accordance with the following email guidelines.
  • The Best Social/Community Engagement Project of the Year will be awarded annually
  • Nominators must provide the contact information, including email address and telephone number where available, for the nominated project
  • Scottish Canals are not eligible for nomination
  • The nominated project, the community, and the canal organisation (if applicable) will be required to support a media release and photo opportunity should they be selected for a short list or as the eventual winner
  • The deadline for all nominations for the Best Social / Community Engagement Project is Friday 25th September 2020 @ 7:00pm.   We regret that entries received after this deadline can not be considered.
  • The judge’s decision is final

Email Submission Guidelines

Email submissions must take the above guidance notes into consideration together with the following email submission guidelines

  • The nominator must provide their contact information, including email address and telephone number
  • The nominator must provide contact information, including where available, email address and telephone number for the nominated project
  • Entries should include a short (100 word max) brief description about the project.
  • Entries should also include a fuller description (500 word max) text submission explaining why the nominated project should be considered for the Best Social/Community Engagement Project of the Year award.
  • You may wish to include any testimonials from the community benefiting from the project.  Please state the name of the person making the testimonial and the date made.
  • A maximum of three images or files may be attached to the email submission to demonstrate why the nominee warrants consideration.
  • Emails received after the above stated deadline can not be considered.

After you have completed your nomination, you will receive a confirmation email.   If you do not see this in your inbox, please check your trash bin or spam folder.    If it is not there, please contact and we will ensure your very important nomination has been received.