Scottish Canals

Volunteer Awards 2022

The Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards are premier awards for the canal industry in Scotland. They celebrate commitment, success, innovation, excellence and best practice demonstrating Scotland’s capacity for volunteering.

The awards offer the opportunity to recognise those people and organisations who have made valuable contributions to the canal network across the country, and those who go the extra mile to provide the general public with an enviable Scottish asset

Although the 2020 programme was postponed due to the Covid pandemic, 2019 had seen over 25 awards being presented to individual volunteers and many of the organisations who contribute to the success and vibrancy of this very important facility, and part of Scotland’s heritage. 4 outstanding volunteers were inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Ronnie Rusack MBE, of the Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards panel, said …

"We have once again been delighted by the response to the Volunteer Awards. These rewards aim to shine the spotlight on the organisations and individuals who have shown real commitment and dedication to the canal network in Scotland.   It is only right that their efforts and achievements are duly recognised and rewarded."

Click here to receive regular updates on the 2021 Award Launch Programme.

The Volunteer Awards image

Scottish Canals

Scottish Waterways for All

Lowland Canal Volunteer Group

Canal Volunteers

2020 Awards Event Postponed image
A message from the Awards Panel in response to COVID-19

Sadly, we must confirm that the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Like many other events, we have watched the situation evolve, closely monitored guidelines and worked with partners to review our plans. It goes without saying that the well being of our volunteers and everyone who enjoys our canals comes first and this can’t be guaranteed this season. Accordingly there is little volunteering currently taking place on our canals.

A huge amount of work has already gone into this years awards programme, one that we hoped would be the best yet. Sadly, that is not to be .... yet.

The 2020 programme will now be rolled forward into next year when hopefully life will be returning to normal. Relaunching in the spring of next year, we plan that the 2021 campaign will be an unforgettable celebration for all our volunteers after what will have been a difficult time for so many of us.

We can’t wait to see you all back enjoying the canal in the future and until then, stay safe.

Stuart Rennie
Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards

Coronavirus Update image

Due to the current exceptional circumstances in which we are living, much of the volunteering work on the canal network is understandably "on pause". But without doubt, this is a temporary measure and the volunteers who give up much of their time will be back again demonstrating their enthusiasm to maintaining and operating Scotland's canal network. We must not however forget that prior to the current situation, much work was progressing at a pace on the canals and towpaths.

It is also very evident that even during these exceptional circumstances, many volunteers will be assisting vulnerable people, those perhaps living and self isolating in their boats, perhaps delivering essential supplies to those that need them. We are sure there will be many stories to tell.

And when "life returns to normal", as it will, our volunteers will again be out and about doing their bit attending to our all important Scottish waterways.

So even in these strange times, there will be lots of opportunities to nominate people and organisations who have been doing their bit to keep the "ship afloat", and we are sure the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards will be the ideal platform to recognise those special people who have been working away behind the scenes, before, during and after the Coronavirus out break.

Thank you all for your understanding.

Stuart Rennie
Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards

Canal Organisation of the Year

The Canal Organisation of the Year Award has been created to recognise an outstanding contribution to maintaining, promoting, or working on part of Scotland’s canal network by a canal organisation. Voting for your favourite Canal Organisation can help the judges decide which Society or Volunteer group is most deserving of this prestigious award.

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Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event

The award for Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or event will be made to an organisation demonstrating engagement with the local community. Members of the community are encouraged to vote for their favourite festival or event, and the judging panel will take community support into account in their deliberations.

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Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

This prestigious award will be made to a tourist attraction predominantly employing volunteers, based on the canal network, or engaging in canal based activity within Scotland. Use your vote to support tourist attractions in your area, or those you have visited and enjoyed, and you believe merit the recognition of the award.

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The 2020 Awards Ceremony to be held at the stunning Falkirk Wheel has regrettably been postponed due to the Covid 19 situation.

Look out for the 2021 event details

Click here to receive regular updates on the 2021 Award Launch Programme.

Regretfully, the 2020 Awards Programme has been cancelled due to the little amount of volunteering currently taking place during lock down restrictions.

Plans are already underway however to launch the 2021 campaign which we are sure will be bigger and better than anything that has gone before.

Our current statement on the Covid 19 situation is available here
There are lots of categories, and you can enter or be nominated for one or more.

If you volunteer on the Scottish Canal network, or are a member of one of the volunteer organisations, then you are eligible to enter or be nominated.

If you run an event or an organisation on the canals, and are predominantly run by volunteers, you are eligible to submit an entry.

The awards are free to enter, and are open to all volunteers / organisations involved on the Scottish canal network

You do not have to be a member of any of the many volunteer organisations to enter, although we hope your experience of being involved in our awards may encourage you to join us!

Participating in the awards is an important way to recognise and promote the value of volunteering and how it has and is sustaining 'our' canals ?

Learn more about the value of volunteering here.
Nominating someone, (or an organisation) for an award is easy, and can be done on-line from the Award Category pages.   Click on the "Read More" button for the award in which you wish to nominate someone, and you will then find fuller details on the award, and a big blue button to push to nominate someone.    Fill out the details asked for.

The 2021 Awards Programme will be launched in the Spring of 2021, to coincide with the opening of a fresh new season on the Scottish Canal network.

You can be kept up to date with the launch programme by the following link ...

Click here to receive regular updates on the 2021 Award Launch Programme.
There are differing deadlines for the various award categories.    These are detailed on the award category "more info" information sheets on the Award Category pages.   We regret that entries / nominations made after the deadline for a specific category will not be considered for an award.
Nominees on the shortlist for an award will be announced 4 weeks before the Award Ceremony, and all winners will be announced at the awards presentation ceremony.   The date for the 2021 Ceremony will be announced around March 2021

Yes, you do not have to use the on-line form (although that is the easiest way to do it).   You can simply send an email to, following the guidelines for the award in which you wish to nominate someone.
Yes, there are a number of categories where the judges will also be looking at the support an organisation gets from the general public or other community organisations.

The organisations must already be nominated for one of the following categories ..

  • Canal Organisation of the Year
  • Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event
  • Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

To place you vote, simply click on the Voting Forms on the About tab on the main menu
Votes of support cannot take place until the organisation or event has been nominated for an award.   If your favourite organisation or event is not listed on the voting form, it has either not yet been nominated, or its nomination is pending, and will be added shortly.

Feel free to nominate any organisation or event that has not yet been nominated.  They will appreciate your support.

The organisations or events that can benefit from your vote are in the following categories only ..

  • Canal Organisation of the Year
  • Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event
  • Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

The award ceremony is being held at reception centre at The Falkirk Wheel ~ (Date to be announced)   Tickets will be released for sale for those wishing to attend the ceremony.
It could not be easier.   Just click on this link and then fill in your name and email address on the attached form.   You will then receive regular updates regarding this year's award programme.  Or SUBSCRIBE HERE
If you have an event coming up which you would like to publicise (and it involves volunteers), you can use the event submission form, or simply send details to and we will try to include your event in the Event Listings.  Remember to send us an image which best represents your event.   Simply attach your image to your email.
If you know of a Case Study which you think would be of interest to volunteers, please send details to us.

You can use the Case Study Submission Form, or simply send details to and we will try to include your event in the Case Study Listings.  Remember we need at least one image which best represents the feature / case study.   Simply attach your images to your email.
If you have a requirement for volunteer helpers, either for general help or a specific task, please send details to us.

You can use the Volunteer Opportunities Submission Form, or simply send details to and we will try to include your event in the Volunteer Opportunity Listings.  Remember to include an image which best represents the opportunity.   Simply attach your image to your email.
The Big Splash is a fundraising initiative to help the various volunteering organisations and charities operating on the canal network, and who's income has been affected by the covid pandemic.

You can see details of
The Big Splash Campaign here.
If you have a question that is not answered above, please email us on and we will try and help.
The 2021 Awards Programme will be launched in the Spring of 2021, to coincide with the opening of a fresh new season on the Scottish Canal network.

You can be kept up to date with the launch programme by the following link ...

Click here to receive regular updates on the 2021 Award Launch Programme.
There are differing deadlines for the various award categories.    These are detailed on the award category "more info" information sheets on the Award Category pages.   We regret that entries / nominations made after the deadline for a specific category will not be considered for an award.
Nominees on the shortlist for an award will be announced 4 weeks before the Award Ceremony, and all winners will be announced at the awards presentation ceremony.   The date for the 2021 Ceremony will be announced around March 2021

There are lots of categories, and you can enter or be nominated for one or more.

If you volunteer on the Scottish Canal network, or are a member of one of the volunteer organisations, then you are eligible to enter or be nominated.

If you run an event or an organisation on the canals, and are predominantly run by volunteers, you are eligible to submit an entry.

Nominating someone, (or an organisation) for an award is easy, and can be done on-line from the Award Category pages.   Click on the "Read More" button for the award in which you wish to nominate someone, and you will then find fuller details on the award, and a big blue button to push to nominate someone.    Fill out the details asked for.

Yes, you do not have to use the on-line form (although that is the easiest way to do it).   You can simply send an email to, following the guidelines for the award in which you wish to nominate someone.
Yes, there are a number of categories where the judges will also be looking at the support an organisation gets from the general public or other community organisations.

The organisations must already be nominated for one of the following categories ..

  • Canal Organisation of the Year
  • Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event
  • Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

To place you vote, simply click on the Voting Forms on the About tab on the main menu
Votes of support cannot take place until the organisation or event has been nominated for an award.   If your favourite organisation or event is not listed on the voting form, it has either not yet been nominated, or its nomination is pending, and will be added shortly.

Feel free to nominate any organisation or event that has not yet been nominated.  They will appreciate your support.

The organisations or events that can benefit from your vote are in the following categories only ..

  • Canal Organisation of the Year
  • Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event
  • Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

The Big Splash is a fundraising initiative to help the various volunteering organisations and charities operating on the canal network, and who's income has been affected by the covid pandemic.

You can see details of
The Big Splash Campaign here.
Volunteer of the Year

Scottish Canals Volunteer of the Year Award has been created to recognise an outstanding volunteer contribution to maintaining, promoting, or working on part of Scotland’s canal network. The Volunteer of the Year will be a person nominated by the general public, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network

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Unsung Hero Award

Scottish Canals Volunteer Unsung Hero Award has been created to recognise an outstanding volunteer contribution to maintaining, promoting, or working on part of Scotland’s canal network. The unsung hero will be a person whose contribution has not yet been acknowledged, and who is nominated by the general public, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network.

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Canal Organisation of the Year

Much of the lifeblood of our canal network centres around the numerous Canal Societies operating along (or nearby) it's towpaths. This award acknowledges the valuable contribution made by these organisations, many of which are run entirely by volunteers, or provide opportunities for those in the volunteer sector. Members of the public are encouraged to vote for their favourite nominated Canal Organisation.

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Best Social / Community Engagement Project

Scottish Canals Best Social / Community Engagement Project of the Year Award has been created to recognise excellent collaboration between canal volunteering organisations and a community or local initiative, promoting any or all of the varied benefits of Scotland’s canal network. The best social or community engagement project will be nominated by the general public, community participants, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network.

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Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or Event

The award for Best Volunteer Led Canal Festival or event will be made to an organisation (predominantly run by or engaging with the volunteer sector), showing commitment to the canal network, and engaging with the local community. Members of the public should be encouraged to vote for their favourite nominated Canal Festival or Event.

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Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction

This prestigious award will be made to a tourist attraction predominantly employing volunteers, based on the canal network, or engaging in canal based activity within Scotland. Projects or organisations demonstrating a continued commitment to the canal network are encouraged. Members of the public are encouraged to vote for their favourite nominated Tourist Attraction.

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Young Volunteer of the Year

Scottish Canals Young Volunteer of the Year Award has been created to recognise an outstanding volunteer contribution by a young person to maintaining, promoting, or working on part of Scotland’s canal network. The Young Volunteer of the Year will be a person nominated by the general public, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network.

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Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is made to honour an individual who has not only made an outstanding contribution to the canal fraternity but also a lifetime commitment and lasting input to the heritage of the canal network in Scotland.

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Volunteer Achievement Certificates

Achievement Certificates are awarded to those volunteers who have completed a certain number of hours / days participating in the maintenance and running of the Scottish Canal network. Many of these volunteering opportunities are listed under the "Get Involved" tab on the main menu.

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Scottish Canal Volunteer Engagement Award

The Volunteer Engagement Award will be made to an organisation, contractor, team or individual who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to engaging with Scottish Canal Volunteers, or other volunteers working on the canal network. Community engagement is also encouraged.

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Sponsorship Opportunities image

There will be a number of opportunities and sponsorship packages available for the 2021 Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards.

Ranging from our Main Sponsor package, through individual category sponsorship, or simply a support package. We would be delighted to discuss various options with you, or send you our Sponsorship Package Pack.

You can download information on Sponsorship Opportunities here.

Alternatively, please contact us at ...
Our 2021 Sponsors image

This page will show details of all our Sponsors for the 2021 Awards Programme.

Full details of our Sponsorship Packages are available here, or we would be delighted to tailor a specific package for you to suit your needs or budgets.

If you would like to talk about sponsorship, please email us at or contact

Stuart Rennie
Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards
07847 611398
Linlithgow Union Canal Society

Linlithgow Union Canal Society

The Linlithgow Union Canal Society (LUCS) was founded in 1975 when the Union Canal was all but were derelict and there were no boats. However, the society’s founder, the late Mel Gray MBE, knew there was interest in the canal and that’s how LUCS was formed.

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Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Forth & Clyde Canal Society

Formed in the 1960s by a group of canal enthusiasts who believed passionately that the decline of the Scotland’s canals should be stopped. They worked tirelessly with the public, politicians and other organisations to get these incredible heritage monuments re-instated ...

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This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Seagull Trust

Seagull Trust

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Canal College

Canal College

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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Pat Bowie

Pat Bowie has been a central figure in Re-Union Canal Boats for well over 10 years. This dynamic social enterprise operates around Edinburgh on the Union Canal and at Falkirk on the Forth & Clyde Canal.

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Ronnie Rusack

Ronnie Rusack is a successful entrepreneur in the hospitality trade, he was not slow to see the potential for a trip boat, offering fine dining in conjunction with his pub business – The Bridge Inn – based beside the canal at Ratho.

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Stewart Liddle

Stewart Liddle is recognisable by his trademark red overalls and Breton Cap, Stewart is often found at the oily end of operations keeping the fleet of LUCS vessels fully functional.

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Robert Welsh

Robert Welsh brings the strong arm of the law to bear on all matters canal-related, especially those that concern the Forth & Clyde Canal Society. As a career policeman up until retirement, he can always be relied upon to see the bigger picture and address the wide range of volunteer activities in which he is involved with his customary astuteness.

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Why Volunteer ? imageWhy Volunteer ? imageWhy Volunteer ? image

Many ask "Why should I volunteer" but the truth is there are so many different reasons and circumstances depending on your own personal circumstances. Many folk volunteer simply to enhance their hobbies ~ many to satisfy a passion. Others want to support favourite charities or local community organisations.

Today we have a vibrant canal system providing a very wide range of benefits to the communities they pass through, much of this would not have been possible without the efforts of hundreds of volunteers over the past 40 plus years. To continue this success volunteers are always needed so if you are looking for something to get involved with we invite you to consider volunteering.

Meet new friends, learn new skills or teach others the skills you have, get out in the open air and some exercise all help to benefit your health. Gain self pride in knowing what you are doing is benefiting so many others whether local communities or tourists bringing income to the area. Be able to commit as and when you have the time ~ there is no pressure to attend on specific days or times ~ whatever suits you.

On this web site you will find information on where and how you can volunteer, also many of the projects or events in which you can get involved. There are a myriad of different areas from maintaining the navigability of the waterways, service provision for visitors, boat handling skills, qualifying to skipper/crew boat trips, maintenance of buildings and facility's.

So if you fancy something a bit different, like mixing with others and enjoy the camaraderie please consider joining in. You will be made most welcome.
Social Media Coordinator

Scottish Waterways for All are looking for help with managing, promoting, and coordinating their Social Media accounts. Ideal opportunity for someone with an interest in Social Media, Charities, and Scotland's canal network

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Volunteer Stone Mason

Working alongside our resident stone mason, you would help restore/maintain our historic monument using the same traditional skills as our ancestors. This work is physically demanding so a good level of fitness is required

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Work Boat Volunteers ~ Helmsmen & Canal Maintenance

Our volunteers have access to 2 dedicated boats, operating on the Forth & Clyde and Union canals. They have many uses, from litter picking to vegetation management.

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Volunteer Van Driver

Scottish Canals Volunteers have a need for drivers for one of their vans used for towing their litter boat to various locations, & help launch boat etc. Clean drivers licence is essential.

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Litter Pickers ~ Lowland Canals

Can you spare a few hours or more a month picking litter from our towpaths? This task is one of our biggest challenges but we are conquering. You can help. This task can be carried out as an individual or a large group.

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Help Needed with IT Facilities

Linlithgow Union Canal Society are looking for volunteers to join their IT Group, looking after the many elements of IT that help in the background running this long established organisation.

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Volunteer Lock Keepers

Re-Union Canal Boats are looking for Volunteer Lock Keepers This is a fantastic opportunity to join their exciting lock keeping project and experience the ‘Canal Magic’

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Electric Dinghy Dispatchers

Linlithgow Union Canal Society are looking for a number of volunteers to help with hiring out their fleet of Electric Dinghies.

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Re-Union Volunteers at their best

Re-Union Volunteers at their best

Our Falkirk volunteers worked every single day in August to keep the boats moving along the Forth and Clyde Canal, and somehow even managed to find time to do some tidying up and painting!

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History of The Seagull Trust 1978-2015

History of The Seagull Trust 1978-2015

Based on the archives of Ronnie Rusack MBE, landlord of the Bridge Inn Ratho 1972-2005, founding member, honorary life member and former Chairman of the Trust (2005-2013).

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All Aboard the Union Canal

All Aboard the Union Canal

People Know How and Polwarth Parish Church are bringing their project All Aboard to life. Together they will run a boat from the Polwarth Pontoon on the Union Canal, promoting learning and positive engagement with the community within this unique environment.

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Lambhill Stables working in partnership with others to provide food parcels

Lambhill Stables working in partnership with others to provide food parcels

During the coronavirus pandemic, Lambhill Stables in Glasgow have been putting their skills and operation to good use by providing and distributing food parcels to those that have needed a bit of extra support. Here is how they have done it ...

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Free Wheel North

Free Wheel North

Free Wheel North is a disability cycling charity which aims to help and encourage people of all ages and abilities to get cycling. We help people feel comfortable and confident on their bikes so they can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of cycling. This short video explains all about what we do at Free Wheel North

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Bridges 19-40 on the Union Canal

Bridges 19-40 on the Union Canal

A promotional photographic project to raise awareness of the bridges and associated heritage along the stretch of the Union Canal navigated by The Bridge 19-40 Union Canal Society

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Getting it Sorted on the Union Canal

Getting it Sorted on the Union Canal

The Sorted Project charity, established in 2008, has a successful record helping people in Edinburgh & Lothian who are recovering from substance dependency and associated mental health problems. Sorted offers a unique outreach service which is delivered within our communities across Edinburgh and Lothian.

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LUCS volunteers run cruises to the Falkirk Wheel

LUCS volunteers run cruises to the Falkirk Wheel

Cruises from Linlithgow to the Falkirk wheel are a regular feature by Linlithgow Union Canal Society (LUCS) ~ one of the longest established Societies on the Union Canal, and one run entirely by volunteers. The cruise time from Manse Road Basin in Linlithgow to the wheel is just over 4 hours, so volunteer crews for the eight or nine hour day are split into two shifts, with each team responsible for either the outward or return cruise.

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Canal volunteers doing an amazing job

Canal volunteers doing an amazing job

This happy band of volunteers were recently doing an amazing job of vegetation removal at the Luggie Aqueduct near Kirkintilloch

Case Studies Wanted

Case Studies Wanted

Do you have a story to tell, or a case study of some amazing success story of volunteering on our canals. If so, we would love to hear from you, and share the story on the web site.

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A Community Case Study

A Community Case Study

We are looking for case studies of amazing work carried out by our volunteers, working in conjunction with the local community, or other community / social enterprise organisations. Do you have a story to tell ?

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  • £12.00
  •  17/10/2020 10:00 AM - 31/10/2020 02:00 PM
  •   Linlithgow, UK

Cruise to Narrowboat Farm for a pumpkin carving experience

  •  17/08/2020 12:30 PM - 23/08/2020 06:00 PM
  •   Kirkintilloch, Glasgow, UK

This year’s Kirkintilloch Canal Festival will run from Monday 17th August to Sunday 23rd August 2020 and we are delighted to offer the most diverse programme of events ever! Experience educational aspects that the canal can offer as well as the entertainment and excitement of Saturday night’s firework display and Sunday’s fun packed gala.

  •  16/08/2020 01:30 PM
  •   Manse Road, Linlithgow, UK

The annual fun day at Linlithgow Canal Centre including the world famous Cardboard Boat Race

  •  24/07/2020 12:00 PM - 25/07/2020 05:30 PM
  •   Speirs Wharf, Glasgow, UK

The 2020 Glasgow Canal Festival will feature for the first time ever a Canal Carnival Flotilla, a parade of boats adorned with large-scale carnivalesque artworks which will travel down the Forth and Clyde Canal in North Glasgow

  •  23/05/2020 08:00 AM - 24/05/2020 06:00 PM
  •   The Falkirk Wheel, Falkirk, UK

Flotillas from all ends of the Scottish Canal network meet at the Falkirk Wheel for a weekend of fun and entertainment.

  •  11/04/2020 10:30 AM
  •   Port Buchan, Broxburn, UK

Tickets are now on sale on our event booking website for our Easter Bunny boat trips on 11th April 2020. Fun and refreshments for everyone and a chocolate egg for the children. Put on your bunny ears or your Easter bonnet and climb aboard our narrowboat Bluebell! Go ashore to meet the Easter Bunny and join in the Easter Egg Hunt. All children will receive an Easter Egg!

  •  05/04/2020 10:00 PM
  •   Bowling, Glasgow G60 5AF, UK

Join us for a community event - picking litter out of the banks of the Forth & Clyde canal! Bowling Harbour - Old Kilpatrick This is a water based litter pick! Meeting outside the BHive Activity Hub at 10am, we will buddy up in pairs and head off in canoes along the canal towards Old Kilpatrick and back, picking out those hard to reach pieces of litter from the banks of the canal.

New Opportunities

Please click the above link to submit information about a new volunteering opportunity

New Case Studies

Please click the above link to submit details of a new case study

New Events

Please click the above link to submit information about a new event,

  • Applecross Street, Glasgow G4 9SP, UK
  • Volunteer Awards Scottish Canals House, 1 Applecross Street Glasgow G4 9SP
  • Applecross Street, Glasgow G4 9SP, UK
  • Volunteer Awards Scottish Canals House, 1 Applecross Street Glasgow G4 9SP
  •  02/07/2020 09:45 AM

The effect of the Coronavirus Lockdown has been drastic throughout the country. But as lockdown restrictions are gradually relaxed, it is becoming evident that some organisations who up to know have been “muddling through”, are only now coming to the realization of the full impact.

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  •  23/06/2020 01:38 PM

A new fund has just been launched by “Scottish Waterways for All” to help the many charities based on the Scottish Canal network, who’s activities have been seriously curtailed during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

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  •  31/08/2017 12:00 AM

Nominations for this year’s Scottish Canal Volunteer Awards have just been opened and judges are inviting entries for a huge variety of categories demonstrating the value of work done by the many volunteers who work to keep Scotland’s Canal Network as a vibrant and attractive facility for the general public to enjoy. New to this year’s awards programme is the “Un-sung Hero” category where the judging panel is looking for an individual, group or organisation who work away behind the scenes to maintain a section of the canal or Tow Path, or run a facility, operation or private venture for the benefit of those using the canal and its surroundings. Ronnie Rusack, Chairman of the judging panel, says …

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Helping hand for Scottish waterway charities

Scottish Waterways for All, the consortium of voluntary groups on the Scottish canal network, has launched a joint appeal to support waterway charities whose activities have been seriously curtailed during the coronavirus lockdown.

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The forgotten vulnerable in our rush for lockdown exercise on Scotland's canals - Alastair Dalton (Friday 26th June 2020)

They were overrun at the start of lockdown as walkers and cyclists flocked to the towpaths in their quest for lockdown exercise space.

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 It is indeed unfortunate that this years Awards Programme has been postponed, but understandable given that there is little volunteering on our canals during these difficult times. But let's look forward to more normal volunteering activities as soon as it is safe to do so, and I am sure the 2021 campaign will be bigger and better than ever. 

Catherine Topley
CEO Scottish Canals

 We have once again been delighted by this year’s response to the Volunteer Awards. These rewards aim to shine the spotlight on the organisations and individuals who have shown real commitment and dedication to the canal network in Scotland. It is only right that their efforts and achievements are duly recognised and rewarded. 

Ronnie Rusack MBE
Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards Panel

 One has to remember that the existence of the Forth & Clyde and The Union Canals today is without doubt down to the enthusiasm and hard work of the volunteers who work tirelessly to keep these waterays functioning. Without their efforts, we would not have such a remarkable attraction. 

Pete Waterman
Chanel 5 ~ Celebrity Britain by Barge

 These awards offer a fantastic platform to all those involved in the volunteer sector, or who support the work undertaken to maintain and operate the canal network in Scotland. From the individual enthusiast, through the many organisations, and the sponsors who give their support, we are eternally grateful. Without your commitment and support, these awards would not be possible. 

Stuart Rennie
Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards

 Volunteers play a vital role in the conservation of Scotlands canals. This project has contributed in a meaningful way to ensure that our canals are attractive and safe places to visit. 

Carol Bell
Volunteer Coordinator at Scottish Canals
About The Big Splash ? image
The Big Splash is an appeal to help support the many waterway-based charities in our local communities to ensure their survival during these unprecedented times. Without immediate help, the lockdown implications of the coronavirus pandemic could prove disastrous for many of these charitable organisations.

The future of these charities - who provide vital opportunities for communities & local people who enjoy the many aspects of our canal network, often disadvantaged, with disabilities or simply unable to otherwise enjoy the waterways - is threatened. Many of these charities and volunteer organisations have seen their fundraising income drastically reduced, putting the benefit they provide to so many communities at risk.

These very local charities provide people with opportunities in life where, and when, it is needed the most - our canals greatly assist the health and well being of the hundreds of people who visit them daily. In many cases, helping tackle loneliness and dementia, supporting disadvantaged children and young people, while providing valuable tourist and community facilitites ~ the list of benefits provided by our canals and our volunteer force goes on and on.

What all these organisations have in common is that they carry out their invaluable work on our wonderful waterways bringing beauty and well being to the heart of diverse communities. Some of this work is highlighted in the Case Study section of this web site, and is also featured in this You Tube video ....

All funds raised in the Big Splash Campaign will go direct to the charity you wish to support by way of their Just Giving pages.

Please give generously ~ your charities will appreciate it.

Re-Union Canal Boats

Re-Union Canal Boats operate on the Lowland Canals delivering volunteering opportunities, training, educational and environmental programmes to communities in Edinburgh and Falkirk. We provide boat trips on Lochrin Belle and Jaggy Thistle as well as delivering lock keeping services.

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Seagull Trust Cruises

Seagull Trust Cruises provides free canal cruising from four locations in Scotland, catering for people who have special needs. We operate ten canal boats from our bases at Ratho, Falkirk, Kirkintilloch and Inverness.

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The Sorted Project

The Sorted Project charity, established in 2008, has a successful record helping people in Edinburgh & Lothian who are recovering from substance dependency and associated mental health problems.

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Bridge 19 - 40 Canal Society

The Bridge 19-40 Union Canal Society is a small and friendly charity which supports the heritage and environment of the Union Canal near Broxburn, Winchburgh and Philpstoun, between bridges 19 to 40..

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Linlithgow Union Canal Society

Based at Manse Road Basin on the Union Canal in Linlithgow, LUCS is a major tourist attraction operating boat trips and charters, Scotlands only Canal Museum, and a very attractive tea room.

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Free Wheel North

A disability cycling charity which aims to help and encourage people of all ages and abilities to get cycling. We help people feel comfortable and confident on their bikes so they can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of cycling.

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Pinkston Watersports

Pinkston watersports is Scotland's only artificial whitewater course and is a community clean water paddlesports venue. Operating as a social enterprise we are passionate about providing opportunities for everyone to take part in activity on and in the water.

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Lambhill Stables

Lambhill Stables, located in North Glasgow, was built around 1815 as a staging post for horses pulling barges along the Forth and Clyde Canal. The building has been community owned since 2007, and has been transformed into a vibrant community hub.

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Community Moorings Scotland

Our vision is of busy waterways in Scotland with many exciting locations for boats and people, linked up as a network of stop-off points along the canals. Over the years further mooring and launching sites will be established.

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Forth & Clyde Canal Society

We are a charitable organisation operated by volunteers who work to promote the canal through boat trips , campaigns and events, educating the public where possible on the benefits of this wonderful green corridor.

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People Know How / Polwarth Kirk on the Canal

People Know How is a Scottish charity founded in 2013 on the principle that people know how to identify their needs and the solutions that will help them fulfill their potential and solve social issues.

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Hamilton Claypits LNR

The Hamiltonhill Claypits is a Local Nature Reserve beside the canal in the North of Glasgow.

Charitable organisations operating on, or in association with, the Scottish Canal Network are welcome to join The Big Splash and therefore benefit from all the donations made to their charity.   Donations are going to individual organisations, and are not going into a larger administration fund to be sub-divided.    So if your organisation is not part of The Big Splash, you will not benefit from the campaign.

Ideally to participate and benefit from the campaign, your organisation should be members of "Just Giving", but don't worry if you haven't done that yet. We have some guidelines that will help you with that process.

First steps first ... fill out and submit The Big Splash application form and we will get back in touch with you to talk you through how the whole campaign will work.   You've got to be in The Big Splash Campaign to benefit from donations.


Join The Big Splash image
Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Volunteer of the Year Award. Please note there is a different form to use for Young Volunteer of the Year.    If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Volunteer of the Year Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please state your reasons for nominating your candidate (between 100 - 500 words). You may also upload up to 3 images to help explain your reasons.

Use this form to nominate a person or organisation for the Un-sung Hero Award.

Scottish Canals Volunteer Unsung Hero Award has been created to recognise an outstanding volunteer contribution to maintaining, promoting, or working on part of Scotland’s canal network.

The unsung hero will be a person nominated by the general public, or representatives of organisations with an interest in the canal network who in the opinion of the judging panel deserves to be named as our Unsung Hero 2020


Please use the following section to let us know why you have nominated the person for the Unsung Hero Award. (Max 500 words) You may also upload 3 images to help explain your reasons

Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Canal Organisation of the Year Award. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Canal Organisation Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please use the following section to let us know why you have nominated the organisation for the Canal Organisation of the Year Award (Max 500 words). Please Upload at least 1 image to support your evidence. You may also upload 2 further images to help explain your reasons

Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Best Social / Community Engagement Project. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Best Social / Community Engagement Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please give a fuller description of the project (100 - 500 words) demonstrating your reasons for nominating the project for the Best Social / Community Engagement Project. You may also include up to 3 images or other documents to help explain your reasons.

You may wish to note any testimonial comments from the community benefiting from this project. Please include the name of the person giving the testimonial, and the date of their comment.  If preferred, you can note your testimonials on a separate document and upload it as one of your 3 permitted file uploads.

Use the following upload sections to include up to 3 images or documents to support your nomination.

Please only use this form to nominate your favourite Canal Festival or Event.   If you wish to nominate an organisation or event for another category, please use the form accessed from that category.

Please provide your name and contact details as the nominator of your chosen festival or event


Are you a volunteer, and associated with or a member of any canal organisation ?    This is for administration information only and will not affect your nomination in any way.


Please now provide contact details regarding the Festival or Event you are nominating if you know them.


Please now provide details about the event, including why you feel this event should be granted the award for Best Canal Festival or Event


You may upload a maximum of three images or documents to support your nomination.

That is all the information that is required.    If you are happy with the content of your submission, please click the Nominate Now button below.

Please only use this form to nominate an organisation or location for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards ~ Best Volunteer Led Tourist Attraction.    If you wish to nominate an organisation for a different category, please use the nomination form accessed from that category.

Your details as the nominator ...


Please now provide details of the organisation or location you are nominating for Best Led Volunteer Tourist Attraction


Please now explain why you are nominating this organisation or location for an award.


You may also upload up to 3 images or other documents to support your nomination

Thank you ~ that is all the information needed.  

If you are happy with the content of your submission, please press the following Nominate Now button.

Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Young Volunteer of the Year Award. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Young Volunteer Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please state your reasons for your nomination (between 100 - 500 words). You may also upload up to 3 images to help you explain your reasons for nominating this young volunteer.

Please use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Lifetime Achievement Award. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Lifetime Achievement Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please state your reasons for your nomination* (between 100-500 words). You may also upload 3 images to help explain your reasons

Use this form to submit your Work Record / Time Sheets to qualify for your "Volunteer Achievement Certificate".     Please submit all forms at one time (preferably as one document).    Blank Work Record Sheets are available to download here 

All forms must be endorsed by a supervisor prior to submission.

Please upload your completed (and endorsed) time sheets / work records as one document.

Please only use this form to provide details of your nomination for the Scottish Canals Volunteer Awards 2020 ~ Volunteer Engagement Award. If you wish to submit a nomination for other awards instead of the Volunteer Engagement Award, then please use the Nomination Form accessed from that award category.

Please explain why you have nominated this organisation, and how they have engaged with the volunteering sector. (500 word max)

You may also upload up to 3 images or documents to support your reason for nominating this organisation.

Use this form to submit information about an upcoming event.  Please fill in as many fields as possible.   Please note it may not be possible to list all events, so we will prioritise earliest events first.    Please be sure to let us know if your event is cancelled or postponed so that we can keep the information up to date.
Use this form to submit details of any opportunities or requirements you may have for potential volunteers.   We will endeavor to list these in the "Opportunities Listing" as soon as possible.   Remember to let us know when any position is filled, or project completed, so that we can keep the listings as up to date as possible.
Use this form to submit details of any volunteering case study (including at least one image) which you think will be of interest to readers, and which may encourage other volunteers to become involved.    We will endeavor to add your case study to the web site as soon as possible.

If you have more on-line information on your case study, and would like us to create a link to allow public access to view it, please provide a URL link below.    Note we cannot take additional information from your linked site.   The only information we will publish in your case study will be from the previous text entries.

You can now upload up to three images to support your Case Study text.   Note that the first image is compulsory, and will be the image used in the Case Study index page.


You can use this form to vote, and add your weight to any organisation or event that has already been nominated.

The judges will take into account the support an organisation or event receives from it's members and the wider community.

If you do not see your favourite organisation in the drop down list, you can nominate them here.

Please select who you wish to vote for from the following drop down list.    If your favourite organisation or event is not listed, it may not yet have been nominated, or its nomination is pending.
